Russian Treasure from the Earth!! Saturated Blue Sky Azurite and Green Grass Malachite Sphere from Russia - 687 Gram - 3.0"
Russian Treasure from the Earth!! Saturated Blue Sky Azurite and Green Grass Malachite Sphere from Russia - 687 Gram - 3.0"
This is remarkable highly saturated ultramarine blue Azurite contrasts beautifully with the green malachite from Russia. When you look at this Ball , you see our amazing and beautiful planet Earth. This Sphere polished and has a very unusual bridge from Azurite going through the face. Personally, reminds me of a face of an owl. The Sphere made in Russia and it is absolutely gorgeous and a highly aesthetic display specimen.
The Kamenushinskoe deposit, situated in the Guryevsk district, Kemerovo Oblast in Russia, is located in the Bolshaya Talmovaya Riverhead (the left bank tributary of the Maly Bachat River) 6 km north of town Salair and 10 km northwest of the town of Guryevsk. The uninhabited Kamenushka village is adjacent to the deposit. The first geological information about the deposit's district appeared in 1788, when two small silver-bearing quartz veins were mined. In 1920,prospector teams explored the district for primary and placer gold. In 1950, deep holes drilled by the Kamenushinskoe deposit exploration crew of the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Industry of the USSR encountered copper the Kamenushinskoe deposit district permits novel interesting findings and discoveries during its further development http://www.minbook.com/site_files/21-1_EN_pp004,13.pdf